%Figure 8.4 %p-type dispersion for single pair excitation clear all; clf; colormap(jet); xmax=4; %max value of scattered wave vector, q/kf ymax=20; %max value of energy loss, omega/Ef mhh=0.5; %heavy hole mass mlh=0.082; %light hole mass xhh=linspace(0,xmax,100); %{0.01 6.01}, {0.1 60.01} %Heavy to light hole Fermi energy transition (blue) Yhh2lhEf1=1-(sqrt(mlh/mhh)-xhh).^2; Yhh2lhEf2=1-(sqrt(mlh/mhh)+xhh).^2; %Heavy hole to light hole transition from haevy hole Fermi energy (red) Yhh2lhfhhEf1=(mhh/mlh)*((xhh+1).^2)-1; Yhh2lhfhhEf2=(mhh/mlh)*((xhh-1).^2)-1; %Light to heavy hole transition from light hole fermi energy (black) Ylh2hhlh1=((xhh+sqrt(mlh/mhh)).^2)-1; Ylh2hhlh2=((xhh-sqrt(mlh/mhh)).^2)-1; %Heavy hole to Heavy hole transition (green) Yhh2hh1=xhh.*(xhh+2); Yhh2hh2=xhh.*(xhh-2); %Light hole to light hole transition (magneta) Ylh2lh1=(mhh/mlh)*(xhh.^2)+(2*sqrt(mhh/mlh))*xhh; Ylh2lh2=(mhh/mlh)*(xhh.^2)-(2*sqrt(mhh/mlh))*xhh; figure(1); plot(xhh,Yhh2lhEf1,'b'); hold on; plot(xhh,Yhh2lhEf2,'b'); plot(xhh,Yhh2lhfhhEf1,'r'); plot(xhh,Yhh2lhfhhEf2,'r'); plot(xhh,Ylh2hhlh1,'k'); plot(xhh,Ylh2hhlh2,'k'); plot(xhh,Yhh2hh1,'g'); plot(xhh,Yhh2hh2,'g'); plot(xhh,Ylh2lh1,'m') plot(xhh,Ylh2lh2,'m') hold off axis([0 xmax 0 ymax]);%([0 6 0 6*Ef]) yttl=['Energy loss, Y']; ylabel(yttl); xlabel('Wavevector, X_{hh}'); ttl2=['GaAs, m^*_{hh} = ',num2str(mhh),... ', m_{lh} = ',num2str(mlh)]; title(ttl2);